Friday 29 June 2012

Hockey lesson!! :)

On Wednesday some of the kids in our class that play hockey did a lesson on hockey. They taught us to sweep, Indian dribble, shoot, defend, and pass. By Alex and Janelle

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Alex and Alice L

Alex and Alice L turned their writing about a person caught in the slave trade into a video.  They know a lot about what it might have been like for the slaves!  Well done girls.

Netball lesson!

On Wednesday some of the girls who play netball did a lesson with the class on netball. They taught us passing, shooting, and defending.

Friday 22 June 2012

Aussie day 6

Today we went to a place called The Skywalk and it was really cool. It was a rain forest that at the start it was a track made of metal track up around the top of the trees so we were really high and about 1/4 of the water reached the ground. I learnt a lot about trees like the giant strangling fig which is a parasite. It grows from the top of a tree and makes its way too the bottom then suffocates the tree inside by not giving it sunlight or carbon dioxide so it just dies inside and rots away. The fig then uses the rotted tree as food. Then we went to McDonald's so I could do blogger. After that we went to dreamworld and I held a koala bear and had a photo with a snake. The koala was cute but it smelt funny. I fed a kangaroo out of my hand. It was Mack's choice was first so we went to the puss 'n 'boots ride. Then it was my choice so I chose the Moto-coaster and me and Bailey got to sit at the front. It was really fast. Then we went to a.v.p which is alien v.s predator laser tag. Then we went to the shockwave the, cyclone and the claw and just stayed there for the rest of the day so when I got home I went for a swim and then had fish and chips for dinner.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Flying machine reports

Today we did some reports on flying machines . This is a report one of our students did:

Monday 18 June 2012

Art week

We made some hot air balloons and we are displaying them in the kokako center on Wednesday and this is the mural for technology around the world.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Paper mâché

We have been working on hot air balloons with paper mâché for weeks, it is one of our art projects for art week.

Monday 11 June 2012

Art week... day 2:)

Today we are making model airplanes out of wire, newspaper, sellotape, plaster cast and spray paint. It is really fun and exciting, we can't wait till its done.

Friday 8 June 2012


Today we gave out bronze awards and silver awards and also had electives, it was really fun. By Quinn Harrison