Monday 10 December 2012

Inanimate Alice Episode 5: Australia

This episode was created on powerpoint, when we have converted it to share we have lost the hyperlinks and sound. :-( By Almog, Emily and Kira

Friday 7 December 2012

Farewell tremendous Tawa

I Have had a lovely, lovely, lovely week and a half in your room. You are a wonderful group of kids. Have a great last week and a half... Your dances are going to be brilliant. Enjoy your sleepover. Miss A has a nice cruisy start back with a full school dance practice at 9 am Monday. See you all there - I'll have crazy kowhai with me. Thanks, Mrs Gifford ;)


Hey Tawa! I am in Sydney at the moment, my final place to visit before I fly home on Saturday. This morning we went on a tour of the Sydney Opera House, it was really amazing and very interesting. I am going on a harbour cruise tomorrow and then we will have our final night dinner at Darling Harbour, it's really beautiful down there. I hear you have been having crazy weather and the buses were delayed, I guess you all did extra maths while you were waiting? :-) Have a happy Friday and I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. Love Miss A

Thursday 6 December 2012

Year 6

Hi us year 6 are doing a lot of work
And we are having FUN yes FUN can't
Wait to see you again

Tuesday 4 December 2012


Today I had an amazing day at Dreamworld, it was so much fun and I screamed my lungs off! I actually ran out of breath on the giant drop. The rides were amazing and we spent the whole day there. The only problem was that is was about 40 degrees, it was soooo hot and the sun felt like it was burning my skin whenever I was in the sun. The scariest ride was by the buzz saw. Tomorrow I am flying to Sydney for the last three nights. I hope your all amazing Waltzers and Gangnan stylers from Dance practise. We are going to do a flash mob by the Sydney Opera house of Gangnan style. One of the girls is from Korea on tour. Congratulations to Harrison and Angus for 100% attendance, no wonder I am grey with you at school every day! Ha ha ha just joking that is really fantastic, I'm really proud. Love Miss A

Surfers Paradise

Today we drove from Byron Bay to Surfers Paradise and had to change our clocks because Queensland doesn't have daylight savings. It gets dark at about 6pm here. I spent some time shopping, I spent too much money... Oops. We all went out to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner and then had to walk home in the rain. We had yummy brownies for pudding, not as nice as Alex makes though. Tomorrow I am super excited because I am going to Dreamworld! I hope I am brave enough to do all the rides.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Wombat Poo

Hope you had an amazing weekend. I learnt something new yesterday and I think it was a trick, I was told that wombats have square poo!?! You need 2 google that for me and let me know. Love Miss A

Saturday 1 December 2012

Australia Zoo

Just had an amazing day at Australia zoo! Fed an elephant and kangaroo and then cuddled a koala. It is really hot! Just about to go to Fraser Island for 2 nights. Missing my crazy class! Love Miss A.

Friday 30 November 2012

Happy birthday Quinn

Today it was Quinn's birthday. His mum made a delicious cake :) It was very yummy!! It's a shame Miss Andersen couldn't share it with us :(

Wednesday 28 November 2012

On My Way

Finally made it to the airport and have all 34 teenagers! They are much bigger than you guys... Well not probably as tall as Emily! About to board for Brisbane, hope you had a good dance practise today! Love Miss Andersen :-)

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Today Janelle, Kira and Angus finished their inanimate alice episode. It was thier first try movie making using the iPad. Well done!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Another amazing pick a path Legend
Room Tawa have been creating pick a path stories based on Maori Myths and Legends.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Lamb, Calf, Chicken and Rock day

Today was lamb, calf and chicken day but in Tawa we also had rock day for those who didn't have an animal.We had different categories to enter:leading,calling,best rock house, best dressed rock and best rock five frame story. We all really enjoyed it.

Friday 19 October 2012

Today we had life education we where learning about making choices and we got to see Harold.

Friday 10 August 2012

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Friday 27 July 2012

Working hard at school :) ;)

Today we made a poster of an olympian from the country we have selected to follow.

Friday 20 July 2012

Aussie day 1

Today we had a lazy day because we arrived at our resort at 12:00 AM (2:00 A.M N.Z time). When I woke up this morning, I was thinking to my self "where am I?" All we really did today was shopping for food and went swimming. We are going to have another swim after dinner. In the morning we are going to dream world

Day 2

Today we went to dream world. I went on every ride except the big drop (which is like the fear fall at rainbows end except taller), and the TOWER OF TERROR!!! Which is where you are sitting in a coaster cart backwards and get shot up a roller coaster that shoots out then turns to a 90 degree angle and then goes really high and then drops down the track again and goes at least 150 k.m per hour. I went on this ride called the wipe out. It was really fun, the ride is a bar filled with seats and is connected to two big poles that spin round in two different directions in circles and when you are sitting on one of the seats it is really freaky! As we got off Mum said "I'm not doing that again". There was also the claw which had a lot of g-force on your cheeks and I not going to explain it because it's too complicated. I'm having a lot of fun but still missing you all, see you in ten days, bye.

Friday 29 June 2012

Hockey lesson!! :)

On Wednesday some of the kids in our class that play hockey did a lesson on hockey. They taught us to sweep, Indian dribble, shoot, defend, and pass. By Alex and Janelle

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Alex and Alice L

Alex and Alice L turned their writing about a person caught in the slave trade into a video.  They know a lot about what it might have been like for the slaves!  Well done girls.

Netball lesson!

On Wednesday some of the girls who play netball did a lesson with the class on netball. They taught us passing, shooting, and defending.

Friday 22 June 2012

Aussie day 6

Today we went to a place called The Skywalk and it was really cool. It was a rain forest that at the start it was a track made of metal track up around the top of the trees so we were really high and about 1/4 of the water reached the ground. I learnt a lot about trees like the giant strangling fig which is a parasite. It grows from the top of a tree and makes its way too the bottom then suffocates the tree inside by not giving it sunlight or carbon dioxide so it just dies inside and rots away. The fig then uses the rotted tree as food. Then we went to McDonald's so I could do blogger. After that we went to dreamworld and I held a koala bear and had a photo with a snake. The koala was cute but it smelt funny. I fed a kangaroo out of my hand. It was Mack's choice was first so we went to the puss 'n 'boots ride. Then it was my choice so I chose the Moto-coaster and me and Bailey got to sit at the front. It was really fast. Then we went to a.v.p which is alien v.s predator laser tag. Then we went to the shockwave the, cyclone and the claw and just stayed there for the rest of the day so when I got home I went for a swim and then had fish and chips for dinner.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Flying machine reports

Today we did some reports on flying machines . This is a report one of our students did:

Monday 18 June 2012

Art week

We made some hot air balloons and we are displaying them in the kokako center on Wednesday and this is the mural for technology around the world.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Paper mâché

We have been working on hot air balloons with paper mâché for weeks, it is one of our art projects for art week.

Monday 11 June 2012

Art week... day 2:)

Today we are making model airplanes out of wire, newspaper, sellotape, plaster cast and spray paint. It is really fun and exciting, we can't wait till its done.

Friday 8 June 2012


Today we gave out bronze awards and silver awards and also had electives, it was really fun. By Quinn Harrison

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Class flight timeline

On the 29th of May 2012 we started our class timeline. We had a lot of people studying different flight objects. People are studying the Concorde, Boeing and even Leonardo da Vinci.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Our day at Mount Maunganui

2 weeks ago we went to the Tauranga Airport and Classic Flyers Museum. We got to sit in airplanes, see lots of old planes and learn about how an airport works. It was a really fantastic day.

Friday 25 May 2012

Technology Elective

Today we did electives again. It was awesome in the technology elective because we built a computer, it was fun watching all the fans and lights working without the case.

Just some of the awesome things that Tawa has been up to.

This is just some of the awesome things we have been doing in the last couple days. Harrison dressing up as an Easter island theme. Some of the girls that Skyped someone that knew about Gulf steams to get information about them for there writing. Some of the people sharing there presentations about some of the events around the world that happens on the months of their birthdays. What a busy week!!

Monday 21 May 2012

Our fling the teacher!!!

We got room 8 to come and trial our 3D properties fling the teacher game before we put it on the internet.It took room 8 three goes before they fling the teacher. It was great fun watching them test their maths ability!!!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Learning about Money

Today a man called Evan, came in and talked to the class about money. It was really fun and interesting. He taught us a saying SPEND SOME ON YOU AND SAVE SOME TOO! :). By Janelle

Friday 11 May 2012


Every second Friday we do electives, these are some photos of clay one of the electives we do, this is Lilly and her art work. By Janelle

Bronze Awards

Today we had assembly, in assembly some of the students in our class got rewarded with a bronze award. You get this for 10 good pieces of work.

Our stories

Today some of us read stories to the class for one of our reading assignments. We had lots of people come up to share. Lucy's book was really funny!!! All of them were amazing!!!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Maths with Mr Moyle

Today while the year 7 students were at manual the year six students had Mr Moyle for Maths. He helped us with fractions. It awesome!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

3D Shapes

Today in Maths we were learning about 3D shapes. Emma and Kira were making an icosahedron out of triangles. It was fun but we're not sure what Callum and Ethan's 3D shape is. :)

Emu walk

Today we did our "emu" walk along Kaharoa Road to pick up rubbish and keep the road clean. We found: 1 dead possum, 1 nappy, 1 speaker and lots lots lots more :)


For ANZAC Day we read a story about a soldier who went to Gallipoli and fought. We made a poppy wreath to remember the soldiers who died at war.

Monday 7 May 2012

Shopping For Tawa

We have gone shopping with the money we earned from the bake sale we had last term. We bought 4 bean bags, 7 awesome cushions, 4 fun games and 3 lunch time movies. We had saved $65 that we have now donated to the SPCA. Miss Andersen is now starting to regret buying us 4 beanbags as they are very noisy. HA HA HA!!! By Emily, Caitlin and Kira. Special thanks to Miss Andersen for taking us shopping!!!